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Fraunhofer IAO Blog Header

Ulf Pillkahn

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Website: http://www.pillkahn.com/

Dr. Ulf Pillkahn is Head of the Trendmonitoring-Program at Siemens AG and as a Key Expert for Foresight and Innovation he advises the Siemens organization in technology- and innovation-strategy topics and issues. Pillkahn is lecturer at the Zeppelin University. The areas of research include Foresight, Innovation management and Technology Strategies with the focus on ‘How to generate and push radical innovations within larger organizations’. He is speaker and the author of the foresight reference-book ‘Using trends and scenarios as tools for strategy development’ (2008) as well as the recently published book ‘Die Weisheit der Roulettekugel’ (2013). Pillkahn-Blog: www.pillkahn.com Discussion of good innovation books: www.innovation-review.de About the idea of innovation roulette: www.innovation-roulette.de

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