Don’t be blinded by the Oculus Rift
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Why Head Mounted Displays are not suitable for Immersive Engineering:
The Immersive Engineering Lab at the Fraunhofer IAO Center for Virtual Engineering ZVE features a CAVE-like Virtual Reality system. Not an Oculus Rift. The reason is, it is simply the better solution for the job.
In my last post I featured a video for Computerphile, which shows the VR System of the Immersive Engineering Lab. If you read the comments to the video on YouTube, there seem to be a couple of misunderstandings regarding CAVE-like projection-based Virtual Reality Systems, Head Mounted Displays (HMDs) like the Oculus Rift, Immersive Engineering, and Virtual Reality in general. Let me try to clear up some of these misunderstandings, and outline why we have a projection-based system and not an HMD in the Immersive Engineering Lab.
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