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Disruptive Innovationen Teil 1: Versuche einer Begriffsklärung

| 4. April 2016 | Kommentare

Der Begriff »Disruption« hat es mit der Kürung zum Wirtschaftswort des Jahres 2015 durch die FAZ zu einiger Berühmtheit geschafft. Doch mit dem Ruhm kommen auch die Trittbrettfahrer, die vom Glanz des Schlagworts profitieren wollen. Obwohl Prof. Clayton M. Christensen aus meiner und der Sicht vieler anderer Wissenschaftler den Begriff geprägt und klar definiert hat, passiert es immer häufiger, dass momentan alles, was mit einem gewissen Neuheitsgrad – und einer besonderen Bedeutung – versehen werden soll, mit dem Begriff der Disruption betitelt wird.
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Eco-Innovations: How to make successful and eco-friendly products

| 21. Januar 2014 | Kommentare
R&D Management Conference 2014

The R&D Management Conference 2014
3-6 June, Stuttgart
Management of Applied R&D: Connecting high value solutions with future markets

The main objective of innovation management is to foster and support the creation of attractive products and bring them into the market while reducing technical and market risks. But the simple economic mantra is no longer enough. Sustainability has evolved into a new guiding principle for business in the last few years. The question now is how sustainability and innovation management can be integrated in a practical context. What are practical implications when creating “eco-innovations”, i. e. successful and eco-friendly products?
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Connecting R&D with future markets – The R&D Management Conference 2014 Stuttgart, June 3-6, 2014

| 21. November 2013 | Kommentare
R&D Management Conference 2014

The R&D Management Conference 2014
3-6 June, Stuttgart
Management of Applied R&D: Connecting high value solutions with future markets

When the decision was taken to assume responsibility for organization of the R&D Management Conference in 2014, the main challenge we faced was how to maintain the conference’s academic excellence while at the same time achieving a high level of industry involvement and remaining consistent with the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft’s mission.
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